Registration Issues

WCOB Holds

Registration holds are placed on students using a term of academic probation during the current semester. You must have an advising appointment with a business advisor before the hold can be lifted.

PIN Numbers

If you declared a business major or if you changed your major from an outside college begining July 1st, 2022, you have a registration PIN for the following semester ONLY. You will need to schedule an advising appointment with your assigned advisor to receive your registration PIN. For all subsequent semesters you will NOT have a PIN number assigned.

If you cannot speak to your academic advisor before your registration time

Register for the courses you think you need and then schedule an appointment with your advisor as soon as possible afterwards. DO NOT WAIT TO REGISTER! See your DegreeWorks audit ( or major program of study in the university bulletin ( for assistance. If you have a PIN number, please contact our main office for guidance.

Registration Error Messages

The following are common error messages students get when attempting to register for business classes. If you are getting one of these messages, the explanations below may help you to understand why:

Closed Section

  • When a business class is closed, you cannot add that class unless you get the permission of the academic department.  Students wanting to request a seat in a closed business class will work with the departments.  
  • See Department Websites: Left Column for instructions.  For BUS 4000:  Contact instructor
  • If permission is given, the department will enter the override and the student should then go back to their AppalNet account to register for the class.  

Please Note:

  • Not all requests can be granted due to space or other considerations.
  • The department may delay their decision until closer to the term beginning.
  • Make sure you have an alternate plan!

Campus Restriction

  • Courses with section numbers beginning with "3" (i.e. 350, 351, etc.) are reserved for Online/Distance Education students.

Class Restriction

  • This means the student does not have the required classification to take the course. For business courses, starting summer 2016, this only applies to a handful of 4000 level business courses that require senior status because they are dual-listed with graduate-level courses.

Prerequisite and Test Score Error

  • This usually has nothing to do with a test score and often has to do with a prerequisite that is not a course. In addition to prerequisite courses, some common prerequisites for business courses that can generate this message are as follows::
    • Students must have 24 hours to take ACC 2100 or BUS 2001.
    • Students must have 45 hours to register for CIS 3580, CIS 3680, CIS 3750, FIN 3100, FIN 3680 and SCM 3650.
    • Students must have 54 hours to take all other 3000 level business courses.
    • Students must have 84 hours to take 4000 level business courses.
    • ENG 3100 or CTE 3340 with a minimum grade of "C" is required prior to taking any 4000 level business course. Non-business majors must have completed their major Writing in the Discipline class, with a minimum grade of "C".
    • Students must have the WCOB Honors Program designation to register for any business course with a "410" section number.

Time Conflict with CRN XXXXX

  • This happens if a student is trying to register for two courses with any time overlap - even just one minute. The message will indicate the other course with which there is a time conflict. The WCOB Advising Center can put in a permit to override the time conflict for a business course but not for non-business courses. If there is a genuine time conflict, permits to override it can only be given with the written approval of both instructors. If the error is due to two classes being online, the WCOB Advising Center can give overrides for the business course with no approvals needed

Registration Issues Encountered by Non-Business Majors

Non-business majors who are required to take more than five business courses at the 3000 level or above will be able to self register.  Please fill out the Registration Assistance Form, located on our Main Page, to request help from our Records Team.